5 Lessons I’ve Learned Through Traveling

Admin 14.41

Whether you have traveled for a long time or not, and whether alone, with friends or with organized groups .. You will be guaranteed to return to home with new thoughts about your life, the planet and all the rest. I always say how traveling solo can change who you are as a person. But in fact: non-traveling solo will only travel for you .. do for you. Today I wanted to share five lessons I've learned while traveling. Just because .. well, because I can. I have not dug deeply to write this post, and it came out very personal! This article was a great time for self-reflection, and I hope it will for you too

5 lessons I learned Voyager :.


We're pretty well that I am - I'm just a girl with her own insecurities: if you do not wear very probably ugly makeup if you eat a pizza you should feel guilty if you spend a Saturday night at home, you are unpopular, and so spend a specific $ 0 on clothes, Starbucks and alcohol each month, you are just strange. You know .. the normal things. All the bullshit of course, but for some reason (or "some" reason .. we know exactly why) girls feel like that. After a very long vacation these thoughts have always let my mind (almost) completely. You can not be perfect, and you should not try. Perfect has a different meaning in all countries anyway. I'm right as I am. We are happy with who I am. I must avoid to change who I am for anyone. I do not know exactly why travel that formed me, but we have become very comfortable in my travels. We believe that especially because I saw so many different cultures and have done so many different people. For only part you get healthier and reasonable standards of society through everything and everyone that cross your path .. one on the other side of the hand of coins that you get more confident yourself throughout the world to make friends with and the items you overcome.

My great life - Through travel I use become more grateful than I was before. Grateful about my home, family, friends and the natural environment. The grass is always greener on the other side, but after seeing the lack of, you will learn that this is absolutely not the case. My partner and I want to fly away from my hometown. However: My spouse and I want to return too. I have a beautiful home that I want to call my home, my dog ​​is cute as hell, my boyfriend is the kindest person I've met at any moment and my family, in the regulations and friends will go through fire for me personally whenever things get tough. I think when an individual travel you do not know you are blessed - you learn to take things any consideration. However, when you saw large parts of the world, you know: you're f * cking lucky

Never regret the choices that you get - There. (Unless you've killed someone.) Is a strange lesson to learn while traveling. However through my travels We really found that I have to enjoy every moment because they certainly will not last forever. So although you may think you've made a bad choice in this process or that, you should remember that time and this decision has created for you every person you are today. Bad options can make you stronger, and wrong turns you made in the past have led you to other great things. Almost never regret the options you are doing and enjoy every moment

We are selfish -. Are there opportunities in your life when you make decisions just to get someone other than yourself? I recently had this discussion with someone. Most things you need to do in life you will do for yourself: whatsoever about making money, you feel good or get something in your own benefit. People are selfish, and while we all scream far we need to change our behavior to "save" our planet and humanity, we never do anything about it. I want to travel, but sometimes I am wrong about this. I want to feel that I am a responsible traveler, but my partner and I think as long as you book air tickets, you can never be a responsible traveler. However, when you meet people who rode an elefant in Thailand - just to take a selfie you understand a lesson: people are so selfish. To be honest: I was quite eager to travel less selfish. Therefor I personally would like to change my travel :. By combining travel with volunteer work, eg

Existence begins at the end of your comfort zone - I think everyone agrees on that. However, you will understand the true interpretation of this quote when you went out of your rut you. Once you say yes to more things and when you are ready to push your limits, wrap yourself in situations you have dared to fantasize about. I am delighted for all the scary things that I did. I'm happy for all the things I have actually done what I have not thought I would. Because of this attitude I have met the most wonderful people I saw the views and the most wonderful scenery and I brought my confidence and self esteem to another full level. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone, and with that in mind, you should live the rest of your life.

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